Category: Hanga | Create

Victoria has created a unique poster on “Google Drawing” by using word art, border colour and inserting an image.

WALT: we use Google Drawing to create a unique poster by using word art, border colour and inserting an image . I will try next making a poster about nature.

Congratulations to Primrose for her engaging storytelling about her summer break!

Student’s work: Primrose Taufa

How I Spent My Summer Break

I went to Wellington with my mum, little brother and the rest of my family for my aunt and uncle’s wedding during the holidays. It took us nearly 8 hours from Auckland to Wellington.

The day before the wedding my cousins and I practised our items. The first one we did was ‘Sway Myshaan’. In our rows were three short girls in front and three tall girls at the back. The second item was a fast Cook Island drum beat.

On the wedding day, we performed both dances. At first, I was nervous, but when I looked at my cousin, she made me feel confident enough to give my best. Next, I turned to my mum, who looked so proud and happy to see me dancing.

After that, we had a big feast and we all enjoyed that night. It was quite tiring but I managed to dance till I dropped. I was extremely tired and as soon as I reached my cousin’s house, I fell asleep on the couch.

The next day I woke up late but it was another interesting day as me and my aunts and cousins went to the beach. We had such an amazing time at the beach. After that, we all hopped into my aunt’s truck and came back home. Once we reached home, we all had our shower, dinner and then off to bed.

Finally, we came back to Auckland and I felt so happy that we had such a wonderful time with our family and friends.

Why My Teacher Like This Writing?

Talofa lava Primrose,

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the recount of your summer break!

Your vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling brought your experiences to life. It’s evident that you took the time to reflect on your activities and adventures, allowing readers like me to feel as though we were right there with you.

Your attention to detail, from your travel to the emotions you experienced, made your recount captivating and enjoyable to read.

Additionally, your use of descriptive language and varied sentence structures showcased your writing skills beautifully. Keep up the excellent work!

Ms Naicker